Technology? Efficient or Not?
World has its own different period of time. Now, we are having the period of technology, where almost every side of the earth use technology for their usual activity. Before, a library was full of books, but as time goes on, library is full of computers and books. In our school, of course there are one or more classrooms that have a large amount of computers for Information Technology subject. At home, we are also using television, DVD player, microwave, and refrigerator to satisfy our family needs. Technology is improving in our every day life. Almost every people know how to use computers and laptops, and they even know what new brands are going to release, and how much do they cost. They can’t sleep without air conditioner also.
We use many technological devices in our lives. As a person, I would like to say that I am not really good at using technology, which means that I only use technology when I need it, or as a kind of entertainment and productivity for myself. I am a person with busy schedule. Sometimes, I am satisfied with my technology usage time. But sometimes, I am not satisfied because I don’t have enough time to use technology for entertainment. That’s why, I usually use technology for productivity, schoolwork, and entertainment. But, overall, I am satisfied with my technology usage time because I do my schoolwork with technology, and do entertainment and productivity with technology also, such as DVD player, television, and laptop.
Mostly, I am a tech-waster person because the ratio between school works, productivity, and entertainment are hugely different. Usually I spend more time using technology for entertainment and productivity than using technology for schoolwork, because I am a normal person, and every normal person mostly will do more entertainment than schoolwork. That’s why, I am a tech-waster because I use technology more for entertainment, than use technology efficiently.
Usually, I improve my technology usage as overall person, and sometimes can be called as better student because I use technology for entertainment and for bundle of school works. I am not even a technology master, who can do and fix everything with technology. But, still, I can’t live without technology.
I prefer to do high priority activity first than a low priority activity because if I could finish my high priority activity first such as school works, I can do the low priority technology as long as I can. Which means, I can spend my time for entertainment without being confuse for school works, or other high priority activity.
From this report, I can summarize that I am satisfied enough with my technology time usage, I am a tech-waster person, I improve my technology usage as an overall person and as a better student, I prefer to do high priority activity first which is schoolwork than a low priority activity which is entertainment so that I can have more time to do low priority activity, entertainment.
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